4 novels you should read it

There are many novels that are worth reading, and that may add a lot of valuable information to you, in this report cameraman spotted the 5 best novels you should read it.

Animal Farm: written by George Orwell novel subjected methods of repression and persecution against the people, and deals with the revolutions of the peoples on the symbols of corruption-free in a symbolic way.

The Alchemist : a novel written by Paulo Coelho and tells a story about a Spanish shepherd on his journey to achieve his dream, which takes place about a treasure buried in the Pyramids, and the faces in his excitement, and opportunities, and love, and humiliation, and luck. Translation into 67 languages ​​and sold more than 65 million copies, making it the most-selling novels in history

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus: A book written by psychologist John Gray addresses the problems that may occur between men and women as a result of the differences among them, and has sold millions of copies.

Stop Worrying and Start Living: American writer Dale Carnegie discusses how it can be of concern to spoil human life, and shows how to break the anxiety and enjoy life, and the book includes stories and examples and realistic manner Interesting Nonfiction

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