5 options for the start of a wonderful career on the Internet
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The Internet is another way of seeing the world, a second chance if you do not like real life, the universe after another on the nearest electronic device you .. In this article I will tell you 5 options to start your own professional life on the Internet ..
5 Options not controlled by someone else, you just decide the most appropriate for you and the closest to your abilities ..
1 Starter
Do not you like this? Simply Free forums, the most famous example is noteworthy here is WordPress, the process literally takes no more than 3 minutes and then you can write to this world non-stop.
2 author
With enormous proliferation of handheld reading devices become dependent on many electronic libraries as a source of rich to read, you can subscribe to iBook Apple's Store and start download your books in the store for free and do not need to wait for Victapk will become available to the world after the push of a button.
3 designer logos
If you are interested in design must know that this world needs you badly, as we are in a period of visual dazzle and everyone needs to distinguish his identity or his product ..
You can subscribe to sites selling designs so put your designs there and earn through them, such as the Stock logo you can also simply set up an account in Twitter offering your services and from which you can link it calculates Anstgram exposure in some of the sample designs to the public.
4.-resident applications
Do you spend most of your time to wander around in the shop for your applications? Do you like to explore other applications? You can start to establish a professional life of this hobby ..
Only established twitter account and arranged your mind about the application and tried to give an assessment, try the application every day and humble you earn follow-up audience if your content is renewed periodically, if you're talking Alaangelazah try to write your opinion both to gain a wider audience, as soon as the wide audience can and then bring the attention of application developers and earn through a review of their application by request .. but that does not mean you should tireless praise just because they will pay you, always keep your credibility.
5 His radio channel
This does not require any equipment or large glass rooms as you think, just across from the PC can create a private radio channel, you have all the freedom in the programs that would like aired, the foundations of the contents of your channel and Othreyha distinctive, there are sites offering this service such as radionomy .. no There are a lot of competitors in this field, it facilitates the diffusion process, but does not mean that does not compete with yourself and always trying to develop and excel on your level profile.
What options are still wide, what I said here is just a small sample, which you can do, which you can habitus online ..