Mark your online life easier with the free service If This Then That

Did you ever think to combine the properties of two online services?

Here's the solution, supports site If This Then That to combine properties signatories to allow Lake to take advantage of them together at the same time, for example, can you combine lifting images on Facebook and service Dropbox, since only after the lifting of a picture on Facebook the site lifting directly on the Dropbox cloud service without any interference from you, but how's this?

It works to make your digital life more closely with ordinary life, as offers full integration between most social networking sites, including sites that offer specific solutions, as only enough activate the so-called Bafilatr Active to enjoy the service, the secret of success and service excellence is that they Stgnek doing some things that you do every day and frequently may not continue to boredom! Or Ancgalk and so on, for example, previously unknown to my account in the service of Twitter I manually send Direct aftermarket for all new followers! But with service If This Then That it became automatically and without intervention from me by Filter service is the same. This is a list of most of the services available for use

  • Craigslist
  • Date & Time
  • Delicious
  • Dropbox
  • Email
  • Evernote
  • Facebook
  • Facebook Pages
  • RSS Feeds
  • ffffound!
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Reader
  • Google Talk
  • Instagram
  • Instapaper
  • LinkedIn
  • Phone Call
  • Pinboard
  • Posterous
  • Read It Later
  • Readability
  • SMS
  • Stocks
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Weather
  • Wordpress
  • YouTube
  • Google Drive
  • Zootool

  • Service If This Then That

Upon registration site, allows you to use all its services for free, and create filters new your own bear your creativity for the benefit of, or the benefit of others, or you can Tsqah filters available originally created by users, imagine 51 service available so far can merge them in ways not final, Everyone his idea wants to apply Active. Here is an example of the filter to send a text message to your phone about the weather in your area.

  • How to benefit from the site?

As we mentioned earlier The site provides all services free of charge + gives you an opportunity to use all of the filters free of charge + site is available on the huge list of filters prior amendment of the users of the site, enough browse and pick what you want and need them, or you can just invent Qltr your own knowing that he can be shared with others.

After moving to create a new filter page, Https://

Here I will explain one of the filters used by the person, which is useful for all who follow site professionals protection, a message is received on the phone whenever Brother Amen Parts good God initiates direct broadcast on the site, yes it can be outside of the home, with your friends, or anywhere else, but will be familiar initiates the live broadcast on the site, you will not miss any ring anymore.

  • Requirements

  1. Bambuser account used by the Secretary of the broadcast
  2. Account of the postal service Gmail
  3. Personal phone number, (personally used Maroc Telecom is working with service)

  • Operating steps

  1. After registering on the site Bambuser, 
  2. That you do not have a Gmail account, created the
  3. Run two services SMS + Gmail on IFTTT

  • I will explain the operation of two services
Gmail service

This page heading

Click on Activate

Choose e-mail registered on the site
Granted the legitimacy of the site to access your account on Gmail

Now Count Enabled

SMS Service

This page heading

Click on Activate
Enter your phone number, so that the number 00 starts and then followed by the country code (Morocco 212) then full Ka Dahr number picture.
Image introduced a number of INWI, I have not got anything, and I tried a number IAM, and I received message code

You will receive a message on your phone activation

Enter the four digits and activation will be successfully

Next step is the integration of two services, Gmail + SMS

Now you log in to create a new filter page

Push the button This

Then choose Gmail from the list

Then choose New Email From

Write this e-mail provided block and then click on Creat Trigger

Now pressing That

Then choose SMS


Finally, activation Quit

  • What else?
The site contains a huge list of filters published by Members, and each filter is characterized by creativity of its owner, every person has put the idea Mmirh Balviltr save you a certain effort, increase the advantages of a site, examples of this, from my own:

This Alfeltr can instant synchronization between all Antqalaty and Tsjalaty service Foursquare known for smart phones with Calender Google. And that I could follow up my stored the Bhetwarichha agenda activities and places that I visited. Link Alfeltr

Did you encounter that saw video at YouTube, was not available on time to watch it, you solution, this Alfeltr, gives you the opportunity to synchronize all videos that you putting Regulation Watch Later with Service Pocket on smart phones, and this, for later viewing on your phone. Link Alfeltr https: / /

We all know that Twitter does not provide service access to more than 3200 Toath modern, hear and be guided destroyed when looking for Toitatk very old, so you'll need for this Alfeltr, which stores all Toitatk automatically service DropBox file TXT, and this will be able to follow all Atawaitat. Link Alfeltr

Enjoy bulletin detailed air every morning on your phone, you receive a day, weather conditions and all what you expect meteorology, so now you will not get shocked when the weather suddenly changes. Will never forget to carry an umbrella during rain.   Alfeltr link

  • A short video explaining the service accurately.

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