Amazon Go - the future of the store without queues and offices (8 photos)

Amazon Company prepares great breakthrough in retail, creating a store concept called Amazon Go. It works quite differently from a typical supermarket - there buyers use application for automatic addition of purchased products in the digital locker and can exit the premises without paying at the checkout.

The idea is that the self-learning technology Amazon is able to automatically determine exactly when a product should be placed in the basket, so you do not have to do it yourself. And when you exit the Amazon store will automatically write off the money from the buyer's credit card.

In the Amazon Go will sell ready-made meals, basic foods such as bread and milk, as well as other food products. However, they are relatively small - Amazon claims that the floor area will be about 170 square meters. meters.

The Amazon plans to build 2 thousand grocery stores across the US over the next decade. A first store Amazon Go is scheduled to open in Seattle in early 2017.

That will look like shopping at Amazon Go:
In stores Amazon Go will be sold ready-meals and other food products.

Each buyer must be a smartphone from Amazon app Go

When you enter the store you need to scan a QR-code on the futuristic turnstile.

Everything you put in your bag is automatically added to your digital locker - the system will even know if you put something back on the shelf.

When you are done shopping, you can just walk out of the store.

Shop will automatically write off the money from the credit card on Amazon account and send a check to your phone.

The first store is scheduled to open in Seattle in early 2017.

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