How to use Google Docs without Internet (offline)!

Do you want to use Google Docs without an Internet connection and edit your documents at any time? Read this article Google Docs (or Google Drive) now allows you to access and edit your documents offline when you are not connected to an internet network. Once your PC is connected, the extension will back up and sync all changes made to all of your Google Docs documents. In this quick tutorial, you'll learn how to use Google Docs offline on your Chrome browser.

Let's go


Google Docs Offline Chrome

 Result: Accessing Google Docs Without Connection 

Here's an animation that demonstrates that even if I do not have internet, Google Docs remains accessible. Documents will be synchronized over the Internet once the PC is connected to the Internet.

Method 1: via Google Drive settings

 Open the Google Drive page, click the nut icon, and then click "Settings". 

You can access faster via this link:

On the Google Drive settings page, look for "Offline Mode" and check the sentence opposite: "Sync Google Docs files ...

Click the "OK" button at the top, we'll suggest you install a new extension.

On the new window that will appear click on "Add extension" and wait until the download and installation of the extension.

 If this window does not open in your home, use this link to install it from the Google Web Store: Google Docs offline

Method 2: Using the Google Docs Settings

  If you want to enable this feature using Google Docs settings simply open the settings page in your Google Docs account.

Then click on "Activate" in the section "Synchronization offline", this will bring you to the settings allowing you to access without the need of an Internet connection to Google Docs.

Simply click "Download Application" to go to the extension page and install it, then click "Enable offline mode".

The two methods work the same way, it should be noted that if you are more than one to use the same computer (in the case of Shared Desktop PC for example), you must create several profiles on your Chrome browser on the chrome settings  chrome://settings/

You can also use the incognito private navigation mode (shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N) for more security; I will test it afterwards.

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