Tip to hide a file / folder on Android!

Trick to hide a file / folder on Android!

Do you want to hide your private folders on your smartphone? In fact I recently discovered a very nice tip that will allow you to hide any file or folder on your Android device. Simply add a period before the name of the file or folder. I will not talk anymore, follow the steps outlined on this mini tutorial.


Hide files / folders on Android

Open the file manager, if you have not already installed it I recommend installing File Manager from Google Play. In this tutorial we will try to hide the folder named "Th3how", to do this we must first select it.

Hold down a long press on the folder to select it.

Once the folder is selected, open the menu at the top and press "Rename".

Add a point to the beginning of the folder or file name and click the "OK" button. And hop, the file is hidden! Do you want to display it? Read more ...

In fact the "hidden" folder is considered a system folder, same story with the files. Because each file or system folder starts with a period and hence they are hidden by default to avoid their deletions by mistake. To re-display your "hidden" folders and files go to the Settings menu of your file manager application and uncheck "Hide System Files".

You now know how to hide a folder / file on your Smartphone or Android tablet, do not hesitate to share this tip with your loved ones and see you soon in a new tutorial on th3how.blogspot.com

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