Talk and how voice messages in your comments Facebook

It lacked something good to Facebook. Talk with and how you can add voice messages to Facebook comments.

talkandcomment facebook Talk and comment, des messages vocaux dans vos commentaires Facebook
Since the launch of Facebook, the comments were the strength of the world's largest social network, these reviews have evolved over time with the introduction Smileys to express your mood, download photos and even sharing links directly in the comments.
But there was some good thing. Something found on popular programs such as WhatsApp or Google Hangouts. This is the audio and more precisely speaking directly into the microphone using his computer or his Smartphone or simply letting a voice message.
Well, this application is finally here. Talk and How (speaking and comment) is a small extension for Google Chrome. It allows, by allowing it to use your microphone to make voice messages directly to your comments on Facebook. A brilliant idea that will probably be all the rage in the social network.
The start of Talkandcomment is easy. After installing the plugin and How to Talk to your Chrome browser. You will now find a small button to the right of the text field comments. Keeping the mouse button pressed with the logging is enabled. Release the button at the end of your message and then click Enter. That is, your voice message is online. Everyone can see your comments and listen without having to install the application, whether on PC or tablet, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
talkandcomment bouton facebook Talk and comment, des messages vocaux dans vos commentaires Facebook
Upd: Voice messages can now be used in cats Facebook
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