4 sites to learn to fix anything on your own!

In many cases, we find it difficult to fix things, and we find it more difficult to ask for help to repair broken things may be big things Kaltlvaz or car or objects smaller than that, and you choose to pay some money to someone technical or spent some time in learning how to repair and provide your finances, So which do you prefer?!.

There are online tools and many sites to learn how to fit your things broken at the lowest cost, add to it if you repaired once you will not need to learn how to fixing them again if failure occurs again, if you are an amateur repair things or want to learn to fixing them yourself, this 4 useful links will help you on that, but before everything safety first, before Chroek in fix anything make sure safety precautions and safety, though it comes with electricity or do not run the risk of fire if you were not experienced enough with those things.

Electronics: iFixit

You'll find almost 2,000 different way to repair Macs, and 2.000 way to fix phones iPhone, and 1.000 way to fix personal computers, and covers site iFixit most technicians e-learn how to fixing them yourself whether a camera or a phone or a computer, and you'll find the instructions smallest details, nothing is left of experience, all you need is to read the steps carefully and follow the instructions, also accompanied by illustrations to make it easier to find out what you'll need in the process of repairs, but you will find a list of needs and the parts are present in order not to forget something, you'll also find some of these parts and tools on iFixit store, which you can buy.

Matters relating to the house: The Family Handyman

Magazine You can subscribe by to send you instructions and instructions to fix things on the homes as a cooling and heating, plumbing, paint and many other things, you'll find it difficult to use the system of categories in the magazine but it is advisable to use search to get what you want, and there is the possibility to not like the design of the site or system Articles, but in the any article then descend down a bit and you'll find some pictures which will give a more comprehensive picture of what you need to do.

Automotive: DIY Auto School

Fix your car yourself may seem difficult, but with this channel will become the process much easier, you'll find people explain to you step by step method of repair of your car (though that some of the parts you'll need for an expert to fix it), and since it is a channel on YouTube may find it difficult to get what you want so you can subscribe Besvanhm and research on how to fix something, you will find the channel on how to repair your old car and things specializes Bdhanha and repair broken things.

Bike: Park Tool

Specializes park tool manufactures bicycle repair tools in general, and you'll find on the site a special section on how to repair parts of the bike, and how to figure out how to fix easy to find a picture interactive bike all you have is the pressure on the part that you want to fix it, as you will find some useful articles also, explanations detailed and supported by photographs each step out.

Learn how to fix your things on your own is a good way to start learning new things and rely on yourself and save some money, sometimes you do not expect that that will break or hang but knowing more breakdowns common will save you a lot later, when notifying you to fix something once will not take the time next time, especially you repaired your hand, add it to your possession of your tools for the fund, whether for a car or a computer or home will save you a lot.

If you have any other sources to fix things or suggestions please give them to us.

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