How to behave when they pierce your e-mail and how to return it a proper manner

May be exposed at any moment to get through the postal address (E-mail), and may differ way email penetration by type of attack carried out by a hacker may not differ from the one of these methods, which I will refer to in this post:
By malicious software: has the hacker here hacked your computer through the use of a program that can from a to your computer and steal all the computer information Among the information that can steal it is e-mail, password, and called the program user Baltrojan, it can also be used programs called Kiloger which you save all the keystrokes that you perform on the keyboard and sent to the hacker. It can also be used hacker another method, a so-called pages of counterfeit and be these pages similar to web pages that you visit where drawn hacker victim to enter Amih and Basorda in these pages counterfeit was then seized and brandished a way Balvycheng phishing They are many types of them Fishing desktop phishing . In the end, may be the way that may Ichterqk by the hacker, a self-styled attack sniffer (sniffing) This method requires that the victim and the attacker on the same network that you are a distinguished him in the same place and online from the same source online (Rutter), where the hacker here intercept all data send them to the sites you visit, including your data has been stolen, which can be a Amelc and password.

Good now through this introduction simple, we identify the most important ways that may be used in ÇáĺßŃŇ Amelc penetration, and now We're going to the steps that you must do in order to retrieve email after breakthrough! .

First, when the penetration Amelc very necessary to keep your temper cool because any affect will make you will not concentrate very well in the steps to be undertaken, for this it is necessary to keep the cooler nerves and identify first the way they were Achteraqk out in order to limit the damage and even Aimitd damage to other accounts owned this shall be when you pierce Amelc to remember well what are the last activities that you've made before Achteraqk. Do you entered on the link in the email asks you to enter a password or Basord Email? Did you download software from the Internet or from a contact? Is Achteraqk before you are connected in a network Aloyfa public? Such as an Internet cafe or coffee shop? Very necessary ... to find an answer to these questions and determine if the hypothesis Achteraqk Achteraqk been charged after a program from the Internet or from the point of contacts on Facebook or Skype ... you clicked on the link and found widespread in Facebook was then Achteraqk Vlathaol experience Other Alaimlat or other accounts owned by him in the same computer that you used to download these programs, it could be the biggest mistake committed. So that if Makedr God and the hacker is spying on your computer by some programs then you are will Bamdadamh well Bbasord other accounts will be penetrated to this shall be to you immediately separate the computer from the Internet and download the program to protect the other with Thdatath security and checking computer or Faramth computer and this is what I advise him strongly!

Now, after setting error committed by the security in order to penetrate the Amelc and reparation, now we will move in this paragraph to the steps that you must do in order to retrieve Amelc breached.

To agree that the hacker if penetrated your email address, it will change all the account information in order to prevent you from recoverable, (of course if the hacker Pro) but this does not prevent to try the traditional methods of retrieval of e-mail and this is by clicking on the word Forgot your password has been after so you may find several options in front of you either send a new password to email or relief as well as the answer to the secret question. If I tried, but failed to retrieve email Fujb you transition to more advanced steps and I will explain to the accounts of the YAHOO and GMAIL and OUTLOOK being the most commonly used and widespread:

For the GMAIL

First: Do Bulog this link from here Account recovery was then click on the no longer remember the password, where you will be prompted to enter email breached.
Second: Enter the last password you use to access your account before the hack.
Taltha: In this step you have to answer one of the options that are compatible with your case If your account is enabled for a property Steps safety (two step verification), but was changed information choose (i cannot access my phone or backup options) As if were not activated the steps of safety select (i didn't enable 2-step verification) which Sachtarh in this case because it is of common situations.
Fourth: This step is very important where you must enter the email the second, which was change (Emile relief) and then also enter the phone numbers you ever used all with your account in the (phone numbers) in order to ensure that administration you are already owner of the e-mail address is click on continue follow the instructions and wait may extend the period of time between 24 hours and 74 hours prior to contact you again and resolve the problem.

For the YAHOO

You can retrieve your e-mail password quickly by calling this number up 0612-318-800-1 If you live in the United States, Canada and the U.S. But if you live in an Arab country or state Aruba contact this number will continue with where 2100-916-408-1 administration directly and must be speaking the English language in order to communicate with them, in case if you were to Atthagn English try to find someone who speaks English to help you.


First, go to this link Password reset then click on I think someone else is using my Microsoft account and select one of the answers, or select the appropriate answer for the type and you can not access your account, because his information has changed.
Second: Write e-mail address that has been hacked and CAPTCHA Code.
Third: Click on the phrase i don't use these anymore

Fourth: type in (CONTACT EMAIL) e-mail address that you would like to contact you through a company Microsft mail that will reach from which the account information to a hacker.
Fifth: Now we must write the largest amount of information that resides in the account that has been hacked, even if the hacker change information Fsharkp Microsft can see the old data.
Sizzle: Try to answer the questions that you know either of those Remember the correct answer her Vlathaol dictate box / boxes

Thus, after the completion Mekorsvet company will communicate with you by e-Allaktrona you entered earlier in steps and retrieve email Congratulations to you.

This is the most important steps that you must do when you get through the Amelc

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