How to protect your eyes from the screen of a PC!

Hello there,

Your PC is causing you problems with your eyes?

Do you have pain when you use your PC at night?

As you know, the light of computer screens during the day is not like this at night!

In fact, the color of the screen light is constant throughout the day, and it is the opposite of the sun, because the sun when that layer, we see that the color changes, and that's what challenges our problematic!

The color of the display illumination must also change to not dangerously affect your eyes.

In this tutorial you will discover a magical tool, it's called ... f.lux.

f.lux will allow you to sleep better, live better and use your PC for much longer without causing problems in your eyes, it's free too!

Let's go!

Protect eyes with f.lux 

Download f.lux 

To download the software f.lux open this page:

Then click the "Download f.lux" button.

Install and use f.lux

Once downloaded, install the f.lux tool, it only takes a few seconds!

Once f.lux running, you'll notice a change in the color of your screen. 

Now we need to change the location for better performance and position changing sun in the graph. 

Note: If you click on the graph, f.lux will show you the evolution / change for 24 hours to see the impact of the software. 

Click the "Settings" (Settings) button.

On the left you can change the ability of light (the interval of change between day and night). 

To change the location click the "Change" button.

Here is you put the name of the town or the position code of your IP address (Longitude, Latitude> here). 

Click "Search" to search. 

Click the "OK" button to confirm the selection.

And here :) 
You will see the impact on your eyes after the first day you use this powerful program. 
Personally, I sleep better now, and when I turn off the program by clicking on "Disable ..." to make the graphic work (colors), I think it's a program that really worth it!

An icon is available to change the mode, turn off the tool on or off.

That's it! 
If you have any questions be sure to ask in the comments =) 
Otherwise, feel free to share the tutorial with your surroundings, it will help more people

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