6 Secrets for more FANS on your Facebook page!
As you know, social networks are increasingly popular and millions of users have already registered , this clearly indicates that there is a potential marketing in these networks,Facebook is the leader!
When it comes to practice, many people find it difficult to have more fans (I like references) , others go through paid advertising which is the worst way to make themselves known if one takes into account the rate investment / return.
The most important in a Facebook page is to have fans who are interested in your pageand this is what makes the difference between pages that make millions of fans and pages that do not exceed the line 1000 fans .
These techniques are used by professionals in the marketing , whether the marketing e-mail or by word-je, and you will discover free 
Let's go!
How to win fans on a Facebook page?
0. Why have more fans?
I know it may seem silly to ask such a question, but we must always begin with a " WHY? "to see if we really need a page or fans to increase our performance marketing.
Most people start by creating a Facebook page , even before starting their project or site because it is quite possible that someone provided the link to the page before you(Facebook.com/[MA_PAGE]) , and you not going to be happy if one of your competitors is before you!
Others prefer to use their Facebook profiles , have subscribers instead of fans and it is easier than creating a page and populate it with content, especially if you have multiple pages work.
There is also the Facebook groups , free that everyone joined to communicate and share links areas, but the rate of SPAM is very high with extensions' s Auto-sharing groups which makes a very bad way make themselves known.
The main advantage to a Facebook page is that it is public and its size is infinite , it can play a very important role in ranking on search engines and gives you the opportunity to communicate with a wider audience!
I recommend you take your diary and write down your goal to create the page , and also set thenumber of fans you want to have, it will help you focus your goal to turn into reality
1. Your fans = = your customers your friends!
In fact, the element on which basis a Facebook page successful is the fans because finally it is they who will share the contents of your page and why not convert them into loyal customers who may even become your own friends!
To increase interaction and gain more fans you will interact with your fans regularly and that by answering their questions, comments and magnet why not give gifts to the most connected fans.
If someone sends you a message on your page, answer it as quickly as possible and thank him for the contact.
And if someone does SPAM on your page does not hesitate to block, because having the SPAM on your page can scare away other fans to follow your page.
Talk to your fans as friends, be sincere and do not forget to be positive in most of your posts, people are tired of news and want a more positive position, this is your mission 
2. Post regularly ...
The key number # 1 in the success of a Facebook page is the consistency of the delay between two publications, you can use the programming tool of publications offered by Facebookto plan all the publications of the day in an instant.
Try to entertain the content type , if you have text to share feel free to add a quality image or video uploaded directly on the page, it largely increases the rate of sharing your publications.
If you do not have enough time to devote to your Facebook page , it means that you do not have time for marketing your site / brand, so you have to organize your time and give more importance to your marketing side because it is the most important element in your success!
In short, post regularly 
3. Organize competitions.
The best way to gain more shares and interactions on your page is ... organize competitions and contests!
I tested it and it works!
The sharing rate up to 1000% 
In my case, I asked fans to share a publication, put a comment below and one who has the most "likes "will win the contest.
This will tempt fans to invite their friends and so on, I proposed T-shirts as gifts and it worked!
You can organize competitions : questions / answers, best picture, best drawing, best video, etc.
Test the performance of the various contests and put a competitive program, choose your dates carefully, better organize these competitions in the appropriate days, or where there are more people connected and what is the secret
4. Tell the world you're here!
If you have a website, a shop or a house, no matter, you can still get free advertising for your page!
You can help the page Facebook Like Box to create a widget with a button " I like "which will help you to have a lot more fans by integrating your site.
If you do not want to integrate this kind of code you can simply use a button with a link to yourFacebook page .
There is also the possibility of asking the pages of your domain to share the link to your page in exchange for a little advertising on your page, it will save you both more fans 
A trick that many have used it to make themselves known on the radio / newspaper or local (inter)national and advertise at the end of the program to your page, Verily it's worth it!
There are obviously many other methods to make themselves known, such as creating other accounts on the various social networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, ...) and add the link to your page on all your profiles.
The most important thing is that we should not be limited to your Facebook page but must ratherseek more fans elsewhere.
5. Persist, delegate roles.
As you know, in recent years several new businesses that did not exist before were born!
Among these new jobs are found the Community Manager or Social Media Manager is a person who is responsible for managing pages and social profiles companies or no matter the size of the organization.
You can delegate the task of managing your Facebook page to a Community Manager or train someone to become one, you will gain more time and then you can have more fans while focusing on the vision and the most important elements Articles that share a Facebook page.
But if you still can not aquƩrir in one, do the work and be persistent in your work 
6. Learn.
In fact, all this information was aquise after reading a few books on the field, so do not hesitate toinvest your money to find out more about this area , and here are some books I would recommend them (it is a must)! :
- How to expand your business through social media
- Facebook: Secrets
- The ultimate guide to marketing on Facebook (Kindle)
That's it!
If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask them via comments below 
I'd like to read practical advice if you know a few, thank you for sharing in advance!
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