How to optimize your website after Google Panda!

Have you been penalized by Google Panda? Your site does not receive many visitors as before?
Do you want to optimize your SEO to jump first in the Google search results?
Are you looking for practical tips that will increase visits to your site again?
This article is for you!
As you know, Google is the first source of visits to most sites with a percentage of 90% of all sources, if Google does not trust in your site you will lose the majority of visits .
Google seeks to provide users the search results most relevant , this is why most sites offering poor quality content, copied or duplicated are not taken into consideration by the search giant.
In this article you will discover the steps with practical tips for having a good SEO!

Let's go!

Improve SEO after Google Panda

0. How do I know if I was hit by a Panda penalty?

Before Panda protect you!

You should know that Google Panda is done to protect the publishers of original content, sites that simply copy the contents of the other in order to save money.
If you are affected by Google Panda is that you have to prove to Google that the content you deliver is quality and it is yours!
Google Panda helps you to better position even if you have a small website / blog because everything begins and ends with a b is content , and that is what will make all the difference, and the content you;)

Loss of visits

The major result in sites that have been penalized by Google Panda is the loss of unique visitors, this is due to the fact that most of the traffic you receive on your site from the Google search engine .
Thus sites which have not been paying attention to the duplicate content and do not seek to optimize their site will lose their visits and visits without you can not move!

Decline in search results

Before when looking on Google in specific keywords we fell on several sites MFA (Made For Adsense) , sites that offer no original content, using algorithms that customize keywords and repeat to cheat the robots indexing of search engines .
If you should suffer a downgrade on search results, it may be that your site is penalized by Google Panda .

Incorrect indexing your pages

The pages of the sites that have been penalized by Google Panda will suffer a slow indexing or not indexing if the site offers no interest to visitors!
While most content-rich sites will benefit from indexation powerful and fast.

1. The "rich" content is KING!

It's over the quote that says:
Content is king.
Because now you have good content, a special content , which uses a custom tone and provides a maximum value for the readers!

Use your own style

You should know that the written content with your own style makes you want readers to read, but also the algorithm Panda Google to index.
Items that do not use simple style and addressing the reader will experience the difficulty to get thetrust of Google!
You should know that Google supports research with the domain name of your site too, if you have a good site, a good story or a good style, your visitors will search Google with the name of your site . Pensez- there!

Diversify content

Do not publish articles that with text, remember to put subtitles to break the routine of reading, consider adding images or to put videos, it helps a lot!

Link articles with internal links

If you have items that can provide value to your readers do not hesitate to mention in your article mileu, it strengthens the SEO of your pages.

2. Optimize loading speed ...

In fact, the speed of loading pages of your site is a controlling factor in the success of your site, sites that take time to load will find it difficult to position on the first page of Google !


Perform a test before optimizing your website can help you know what to do to reduce the loading time of your site.
To test the loading speed of your site you can either use GTmetix or tool offered by Google Page Speed  ​​(InSight) .


If you use WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS) there are several extensions (plugins) to optimize the speed of your site, here are a few:
  • W3 Total CacheBest of cache, to optimize the speed of loading by compressing the code HTML, CSS & JS while activating the cache database, image files and many more features to discover!
  • WP-FFPCThe best way to make it faster loading of your pages is to enable the cache memory (memcached)
  • WP Super Cache
If you do not use a script to manage your site, I suggest you do, it will help you manage more easily and faster content, the market has no place for static websites!


Do not forget to test a second and third time to see if the changes have a different effect on the speed of your site or not.

3. Clean your site!

Remove the copied / duplicated content

To restore trust between your website and Google (Panda) you must remove all items copied from other sites, delete duplicate content also let no article copied, remove anything that may be illegal with regard to Google .
The principle is to not let that exclusive articles, articles that offer rich content in information, content offering value to your visitors!

Enrich the low content pages

If some items have lost their SEO and ranking in the search pages, consider strengthening posting comments for more content and think to add more paragraphs.
The idea is to offer products with at-least 1000 words, it will greatly improve the positioning of your entire site, Google Panda loves pages that contain a lot of content!

Delete unnecessary pages

If you have blank pages, have no value and that have no useful value to visitors, delete them!
Keep only those pages that are useful, do not forget to create a page Imprint , it gives value to your site.

4. Correct the mistakes in writing.

Rich and varied vocabulary

Feel free to use a vocabulary extensive, rich and focused at the same time!
Most sites that create pages with duplicate content with a specific vocabulary will not have the chance to be referenced by Google Panda , because these sites do not offer value to visitors and is the case with search engines.

5. Social Networks & clever advertising

Feel free to share links to your site also by posting comments on various blogs in your industry or contributing to forums offer the opportunity to add the link to your site to your signature.
Look also to create your page on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube channel, this will help you get to know a lot more and tell Google that you are a quality site!

6. Results.

After applying these tips you will find that:
  • The pages of your site will have a better indexing
  • The requests provenent sites will advance
  • The organic traffic is increasing
  • The loading speed is better
  • The number of page views is satisfactory
Do not forget to provide a fair overview and avoid writing for search engines, write for people!
That's it!
If you have any questions about Google Panda do not hesitate to ask in the comments=)
I am very happy to read your comments, especially if you have new information!

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